We invite you to take part in the journey of discovering popular culture and local history. Your participation and active support keeps the museum alive and active!
The membership program provides free visits, unlimited access to periodic exhibitions and training programs as well as specially designed experiences.
Subscriptions start at 10 euros per year…
The membership program provides free visits, unlimited access to periodic exhibitions and training programs as well as specially designed experiences.
Subscriptions start at 10 euros per year…
Ways to become a member
Send email to info@hayatiladia.gr your name and the category of member you want
Or visit the Museum
Deposit in the account of Piraeus bank
Name: Folklore Museum Hayati Ladia Protis
IBAN: GR26 0171 0630 0060 6314 3891 856
For businesses
Become a sponsor and advertise in the Museum's publications!
Fixed communication sponsor:
Or visit the Museum
Deposit in the account of Piraeus bank
Name: Folklore Museum Hayati Ladia Protis
IBAN: GR26 0171 0630 0060 6314 3891 856
For businesses
Become a sponsor and advertise in the Museum's publications!
Fixed communication sponsor: