Urban Non-Profit Company under the name

The museum opened its doors for the first time to the public in July 2014, and drew a warm welcome from the local community which sought a place to rescue and spread both its cultural wealth and social fabric. One of the main aspirations of its creators is the knowledge of yesterday’s society so that today's society can have a better understanding.

In line with the above, we inform you that an Urban Non-Profit Company was founded under the name "FOLKLORE MUSEUM HAYATI LADIA PROTI and distinctive title "HAYATI LADIA" based in Proti, Municipality of Perifia, Municipality of Perifia . ../2018,whose purpose, according to the statute, is:
a) the operation of the Folklore Museum in Proti with the first objective purpose of the protection and utilization of folklore material, historical monuments and the preservation of the traditional elements of the agricultural heritage, in combination with the rural life and tradition. The collection of tools and objects of folk art, with a representation of an old house and life and the decent and absolutely genuine presentation of all the folk costumes of the area.
b) the preservation of the historical folklore material of Proti and the folk costume.
c) the maintenance of the manners and customs of the area of the Municipal Unit of Proti and the Municipality of Amfipolis in general.
d) the tourist promotion of our place through folklore at home and abroad.
e) the raising of the intellectual level in Proti and the mutual assistance of the members of the company.
f) the implementation of any action related to the interests of the Company and the place.
g) the cultivation, promotion and utilization of the cultural and cultural element of Proti, through its art, nature and history.
h) the study, dissemination, protection and preservation of the cultural and cultural heritage of Proti and the wider region.
i) the promotion of communication through the art of history and folklore of Proti, the exchange of experiences, knowledge and contacts and cooperation with other bodies and organizations.
j) the promotion of the natural beauty and the position of Proti and its influence in the wider area throughout the centuries.
k) the curation, production, organization and organization of events, seminars and lectures related to folklore, the general cultural and artistic promotion of art and visual arts in general, the organization and distribution of artistic, visual, folkloric, social, educational, scientific events and gatherings.
l) the participation for grants in programs of the European Union or other individual states in relation to the preservation and development of the folklore, art and history of Proti and the wider region, etc.
m) the sensitization of social groups on issues of the cultural and cultural heritage of Proti with its wider area, the establishment of working groups, study committees, related to these issues.
n) the training of the visiting groups and individuals in relation to the intellectual, cultural, historical and social development, which will be based on the exchange of experiences through the special programs and activities of the company.
o) the organization and co-organization with other bodies of public or private lectures, seminars, courses with audiovisual material projections, entertainment and artistic events that will aim at strengthening the relations between the citizens of the social groups that will participate from the wider region and in general Greece and abroad.
p) organizing or co-organizing with other bodies local festivals, folklore events, local or European festivals of art, education and culture.
q) the identification, recording, processing, analysis, study and research of issues related to art, history and human resources of Proti of the wider region and our country in general.
r) the monitoring of international, Mediterranean and Balkan developments and experiences, the promotion of the documentation of the relevant issues that the company deals with.
S) the organization, co-organization and participation together with other bodies of the wider region, international networks and cooperation bodies in order to produce and organize joint initiatives for the promotion of the cultural identities of the peoples through history and art.
As a means to achieve its purpose, every activity of the Company is defined to be carried out within the framework of the law and in particular it is sought:
i) The organization or co-organization of cultural events, festivals, celebrations, banquets, lotteries, seminars, speeches, exhibitions (eg photographs, art, etc.), meetings with people of spirit, science and art and the research to create new forms of expression and contact with social consciousness.
ii) The organization or co-organization of groups and work programs, as well as cooperative or productive activities for the purpose of cultural and productive activity of the social space, directly by the company or in collaboration with public or private bodies or individuals.
iii) Any form of cooperation with other natural or legal persons, domestic or foreign, such as artists, universities, scientists, researchers, local authorities, government agencies, legal entities of Public or Private Law, international organizations, institutions, institutes, etc. .Pi. with similar purposes and activities.
iv) The creation of performances or spectacles of any kind (theatrical, dance, music, mixed, etc.) and their presentation inside and outside the theatrical stage (eg on television, cinema, at festivals, recreation areas, etc. , λ, π.).
v) The writing, publishing, translation and distribution of scientific, educational, historical, literary works, as well as studies, journals, publications, brochures and in general the use of all written and electronic media, according to the purposes of the company.
vi) Participation in local, Greek and international festivals, conferences, meetings, events, etc ..
For more details of the articles and provisions of our articles of association you can visit the headquarters of the company.
With the belief that we will have your helpers in our effort, it would be a special honor for us who wish to participate in the company: a) either as a member of A. M. K. E., b) or by helping to implement planned actions, c) either by financially supporting our work (Piraeus Bank Account Number: GR260171063000606314389 ....), d) or by undertaking a supporting sponsorship, based solely on the interest of our place and the benefit of its people.
Thank you in advance.
With special appreciation
The Board of Directors of A. M. K. E.
The president Christos Tsifoutis.
The Secretary Vasiliki Ladia.