Cutting New Year's Cake 2023

Cutting New Year's Cake 2023

On Sunday, February 05, 2023, at 11.00, in the first room "Achilles" of the Folklore Museum "Hayati Ladia" of Proti Serres, the cutting of the New Year's cake took place.


     The Cutting New Year's Cake for 2023 at the Folklore Museum, "Hayati Ladia" was another opportunity for the members and friends of the museum to gather in its space. Discussions about folklore and photography on the occasion of the periodic exhibition "Santorini, the island of scorched earth" by Spyros Markogiannis, warmed the atmosphere, laying the foundations for a new rich cultural year.

     We thank padre Alexandros, the president of the local community Proti Nikolaos Bakalis, the vice-mayors, Iordanis Papadopoulos and D. Vitsios, the municipal councilors Georgios Gallos, Baharis Baharopoulos, the former mayor Costas Melitos and his family, the president of the women's association Loukia Ladia, the president of the Mountaineering Association Apostolos Konda, the president of the Filomouson Association Panagiotis Daskaloudis, the music teacher Theodoros Kostoudas, the dance teachers Thomai Pantazis and Christina Tsatsou, the president of the Agistas Folklore Museum Kostantina Politou, Yiannis Zalidas from the Tsai Academy and everyone those who honored us with your presence and for your financial support.

      Many thanks to my friends Antigoni, Chara, Antonia and Vasso for their essential help. Eleni Panagiotidou won the prize.

     We wish everyone a happy and blessed new year with health and love in your homes.


